Turn Your Team Into
Your Solution.
Not Your Problem
Scale Your Dream Company STRESS FREE,
while surrounding yourself with the
most Passionate A-Players Around.

Want to Grow Your Business The Fast and Easy Way?
Get access to James’ “Top 10 Scaling Secrets”.
Any Skill can be learned if enough time and attention is given to it.

James Guldan
In early 2016 I went through a transition that left me depressed and anxious.
I was looking out for the best interests of my company, Vision Tech Team… so I gave someone more qualified my COO position. This switch made me “position-less” for lack of a better term… and I ended up in a downward spiral, feeling useless. I believed that I no longer had any use in my own enterprise.
It was only after gaining one insight, one simple perspective shift… that my world (and my company) changed for the better.
Proven Processes...

Ignorance is not bliss... gaining education gives you a lot more happiness.
If you have an audience filled with entrepreneurs hungry to grow their businesses, I’d like to support you and your tribe.
As a public speaker and interviewee, it gives me great pleasure to make an impact through education.
I’ve been a dedicated student of scaling for the past decade, and I really don’t mind being blunt here…
I know and implement powerful solutions that most entrepreneurs are unaware of.
I’ve certainly made my fair share of mistakes (which I wouldn’t wish upon anyone), and I’m at a point now where I LOVE offering my hard won secrets to those who are in a position to utilize them effectively.
My teachings boil down to leveraging the right people, building awareness for the right skill sets, and structuring the right processes. Trust me, this is way easier said than done… BUT it’s absolutely worth it!
I’m very protective of my time. That being said, when I know it’s being well utilized, I’ll generously offer it up to the right crowds for podcasts, interviews and speaking engagements.
Ignorance is not bliss... gaining education gives you a lot more happiness.

If I Died Today…
My Company Would
Survive And Thrive
Without Me...

I co-founded Vision Tech Team with Dmitriy Kozlov.
Vision Tech Team has developed into a multiple 7-figure leading design and development agency for information products with a tight-knit team of talent from around the world.
While I’m at a point now where I love my life, in and out of business, it wasn’t always this way.
Growing and scaling previous organizations was hard for me… in fact, there were many moments where I was completely overworked (22 hour work days 6 days per week), I had to take out loans to make payroll, fire employees and clients who were not the right fit (even though I desperately needed them)… I over committed to promises, and frankly, I’d get so stressed out that I was anxious and miserable 24/7.
My predicament, hustling until you drop, was common in most entrepreneurial circles I found myself in. I simply followed the advice I had been given at the time.
Wow. If I only knew then what I know now, it would have been a different story…
After adopting higher degrees of ownership, realizing where I wasn’t taking responsibility in my life and in my business, creating SOLID structures in place where there were none before… sleeping and rejuvenating MORE, only then did things go from bad to better… and from better to AMAZING :).

At this point we have over 50 fulfilled and passionate team members… through data driven delegation, Vision Tech Team (and every other operation that I touch) is a well oiled Machine that can exist and progress with or without me.
The exact way it has been created :).
I’d like you to learn from my mistakes so you can rapidly grow your business while improving your life.

Want to Grow Your Business The Fast and Easy Way?
Get access to James’ “Top 10 Scaling Secrets”.
*I will send product and event updates about once per quarter. I will
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